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Create the page "Edgy shows" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- ...would redeem himself. However in the very next episode, "Inside Jeffy", it shows Jeffy acting like a brat again, which means Jeffy lied. ...given back to Thirtyacre, he went back to his inappropriate content. This shows that he did not learn his lesson. ...42 KB (6,715 words) - 21:05, December 12, 2024
- ...he writer's strike also heavily effected the quality of the season, and it shows how low the series had hit rock bottom up to this point. ...rgumentative father who causes misery to many people around him and rarely shows affection to his family, does very illegal and evil things in almost every ...67 KB (10,890 words) - 21:23, December 10, 2024
- #* The level itself is incredibly dark and edgy in a bad way to the point of being even darker than ''Rayman 2'', which was 3'' makes several references to the first Rayman game: Murfy 's Manual shows a reproduction of Rayman 's head when he was in 2D. An image of Livingstone ...29 KB (5,067 words) - 23:07, December 22, 2024