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Create the page "Intentionally bad games" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- |Publisher = Mezmer Games ...hy and over-the-top" by its creators, the game mocks World War II strategy games and utilizes Pythonesque humor. ...9 KB (1,423 words) - 12:57, December 24, 2024
- ...friends, fat-shames her own father now and then, and she always gives out bad or clichéd morals to children: where they both make both boys cry, which came off as misandrist. It's bad enough to forcefully make George and Richard play a game that they don't wa ...44 KB (7,156 words) - 03:04, December 14, 2024
- ...mediately looked like they were kissing each other on the lips, due to the bad animation making it very easy to decipt Meg kissing Peter. ...lot of flanderization and had a few more bad episodes than the rest of the bad seasons, and it holds some of the all-time worst episodes of the series in ...67 KB (10,890 words) - 21:23, December 10, 2024