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Create the page "Bad media" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- ==Why It's a Bad Boy That Deserves to Have Green Beans Now== ...kstarted a ton of problems with the series and is at his worst in "Jeffy's Bad Word", and "Locked Out", the two most infamous episodes involving Jeffy bes ...42 KB (6,715 words) - 21:05, December 12, 2024
- ...I'm flying! That's funny!". This was probably removed from the game due to bad vocabulary. A dialogue from Murfy was censored for using the same word but == Bad Qualities == ...29 KB (5,067 words) - 23:07, December 22, 2024
- ...mediately looked like they were kissing each other on the lips, due to the bad animation making it very easy to decipt Meg kissing Peter. ...lot of flanderization and had a few more bad episodes than the rest of the bad seasons, and it holds some of the all-time worst episodes of the series in ...67 KB (10,890 words) - 21:23, December 10, 2024
- ...mes-media-to-change-public-narrative buy gaming media journalists to avoid bad reviews]'''. Activision Blizzard also threatened employees for speaking out suspected of bribing gaming journalists in an attempt to cover up their bad game's quality, a prime example is the infamous ''" has a little som ...39 KB (5,570 words) - 14:06, December 10, 2024
- |Distributed by = Paramount Media Networks ...better when there are more things to rip into to explain why something is bad, but for The Loud House, there isn't much to explain. Its flaws are in plai ...136 KB (22,594 words) - 20:56, December 12, 2024